Category: Miscellaneous
Coffee Shop Genesis
In the beginning of June the guy who owns that new coffee shop, his name is Josh I think, created the coffee shop. And the shop was without coffee, and void; and darkness was upon the shop, because Josh insisted on wiring the lights himself despite not knowing what he was doing. And Josh said,…
My Early Haikus
A quiet wind blows Over the misty mountain Then all is calm. Fuck. The last line’s five, right? Best check Wikipedia Source of all knowledge Wait, hold on a sec Haikus can take other forms? Teachers lied to me Mr. Hall, you cock I didn’t deserve that F Or your mocking words Who fails a…
Rewritten Political Cartoons
Do you know what improves political cartoons? Literally anything. Observe: The original. The original. The original. The original. The original, in English. The original.
People I Have Been Mistaken For When Their Acquaintances Are Apparently Given My Email Address By Accident
Mary Hill, a successful British opera singer, director and teacher, a dedicated member of the Trollope Society, and someone who associates with people who don’t think it’s pretentious to use “au fait” in casual conversation. Melvin, who has almost procured a new VA loan from the good people at West Town Savings Bank, a Maryland…