Category: Miscellaneous

  • Less Popular Comic Convention Costumes

    Elven Tax Lawyer Bob Lannister Maxwell’s Demon Walter Bascom My Little Zebroid One of those Hobbits That Just Chills Out at Home Tom Brady Guy with Practical Weapon

  • TV Shows From the People Who Make Knockoff B Movies

    The Ambulatory Deceased Amusement of Chairs Monarchs Sit In Professor What Emprise O’clock Mutual Force Descending  Unexceptional Exhibition Be Incredulous of the Harlot in Residence 12 So You’re Under the Impression You Can Cavort Crossbowman

  • A Review of Game of Thrones’ Season Three Premiere

    To say that the season premiere of Game of Thrones was hotly anticipated would be an understatement. Lesser shows would have been content to coast on their popularity, but the producers of Game of Thrones took bold creative risks, and I believe they paid off. Many of you will disagree, and I understand where you’re…

  • I’d like to Welcome You to the Blog for my Kickstarter for my Etsy Store

    Oh, hello. I didn’t see you there. Your webcam must be off! Haha, I’m just kidding. Welcome to Rushin’ Forward, the official blog of the Kickstarter that wants to bring knitted replicas of early 19th century Russian gynaecological equipment to Etsy! Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Seriously? Etsy doesn’t already have kitted replicas of…

  • Literary Video Game Adaptations

    TimeSplitters: In Search of Lost Time Mario’s Republic Anna of Green Hill Zone Rayman: A Farewell to Arms To Double Kill a Mockingbird The Blind Assassin’s Creed Midnight in the Garden of Good and Resident Evil Fear and Loathing in New Vegas Dante’s De Monarchia

  • My Contact Information

    To reach me by email, send a message to To reach me by phone or text message, get to know me a little and I’ll give you my number. To reach me by physical mail, email, phone or text me for my address. After mailing your letter, email, phone or text me a reminder…

  • Signs that I’m Maturing

    I make the healthy kind of Kraft Dinner. The profanity I direct at video games is tasteful and restrained. I understand over half the settings on my washer and dryer. There is slightly more milk than beer in my fridge. I know where the vacuum cleaner is, and have contemplated using it. I watch the…

  • An Open Letter to the Neighbourhood Dog Who Thinks I’m an Evil Wizard, or Something

    Dear Dog, I’ll be blunt. I don’t like you, and you have no opinion of me because you forget that I exist the moment I disappear from view or an unusually suspicious pinecone captures your attention. But for those scant few moments when I am extant in your reality, you don’t like me. I can…

  • Other Holidays for People Who Insist on Celebrating Singles Awareness Day

    Prime Ministers Day The Welsh Are a Culturally Rich and Diverse People Day Fathers Who Were Never There When We Needed Them Day Talk About the Socioeconomic Plight of Somali Pirates Day Aboriginal Victims of Columbus Day Lecture Children About the Importance of Dental Hygiene and Good Eating Habits Day How Can You Be Thankful…

  • The 21st Century Ant and Grasshopper

    Once there lived an ant and a grasshopper in a grassy meadow. All day long the ant would work hard, collecting grains from a faraway farmer’s field. She would hurry to the field as soon as dawn came, and struggle back with a heavy grain of wheat. She would store the grain in her larder…